Thursday, September 24, 2009

Oh, The Joys of Dating

Dating is a weird thing. It's sometimes fun, sometimes horrible, and sometimes necessary. I don't know if you've ever been on a blind date. I've been on 2. Some people would say that I'm crazy, gutsy, or desperate. You are free to think what you like. Well, the first one wasn't bad at all. We actually dated for a while. Now, the second one...that's a different story. This date was fairly recent. I've learned the hard way that if I'm totally myself, the guy usually runs away....FAST. It's ok though, because I'll find a guy one day that loves me when I'm myself....right? A girl can only hope. Here's a lesson I learned that I'm going to share with you. 5 Things You DO NOT Do on a Blind Date (or any date now that I think of it): 1) Do not open up the conversation with this line,"I know 25 different ways to kill someone with a dagger." That would scare just about anybody, but it kind of came out in a moment of panic. Don't judge. 2) Don't talk about your ex-boyfriend. Common mistake. Just don't make it again. 3) Don't stare at your date the WHOLE time to the point where they're afraid that you're reading their mind. Maybe you are...still, you should be able to conceal it fairly well. 4) Don't try to fish for's annoying and let's just face's sad. Also, guys can sense that in a second. If they want to compliment you, they will...if not, just let it go. 5) Last, but not least, if you're at a Chinese restaurant, don't use chopsticks if you don't know how. You'll be too busy trying to figure out how these darn things work, miss everything your date is trying to tell you, and you'll look like an idiot. Sorry to be so blunt. Life's tough....get a helmet. So, I guess dating teaches you important things, like how to treat a human being, and makes for some entertaining stories. And, if you were wondering how I know all these things...let's just say I've learned from personal experience. Sad, I know.
So, to conclude today's blog, I will leave you will a marvelous quote from a friend's mom instead of a story...because, this blog was kind of a story in itself.

"Men are like buses. You may miss one, but another one comes every 15 minutes." -Lynnette Lynsdey

Just remember that quote the next time you ruin a's going to be ok.


Ellen Denise said...

Sad this post, but cool!!

Your "prince" is coming, he'll love like u r, haha
If I found one, u too!!

Blessings Anna :)

Jack, Whitney, and Smith said...

You're hilarious. Was that really the first thing you said to him? You didn't tell me that. haha.. Anyways, you want to be yourself bc yes, someone one day will like you for just who you are... and you don't want to have to fake being someone else. Love you! And don't worry... he's coming :)